Domain Verification Required

The domain has been suspended pending ICANN verification

The contact information for requires verification in order to re-activate this domain

As of January 1, 2014, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) mandates that all ICANN accredited registrars verify the Registrant WHOIS contact information for all new domain name registrations and Registrant contact modifications.

Why this domain has been suspended

This domain has been suspended for one of the following reasons:

  • This is a new domain name and you have not yet validated the registrant's contact details
  • This domain has recently been modified ot transferred and you have not yet validated the registran'ts contact details
  • We were unable to deliver a Whois Data Reminder Policy (WDRP) or domain name expiration email.

If you're the site owner, reactivate your site

Resend the verification email.

This will be sent to the registrant email address populated in your WHOIS data. If you are unsure what email address is listed, please log into your GKG.NET account to view and/or update the contact information.

Click the link in the email

and your contact information will be immediately verified. We estimate the site will come back online within 24 to 48 hours.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why was my domain suspended?
ICANN requires that the domain name registrant's contact information or changes to the registrant's contact WHOIS information be verified within 15 calendar days. If the data is not verified in this time frame, ICANN mandates that the website be suspended pending the verification.
How can I remove the suspension on my domain?
The suspension of the domain will be removed after the WHOIS information is successfully verified. Please update the WHOIS information with complete and accurate contact details through your account at GKG.NET. Once updated, you will receive a new verification email.
Once the suspension is removed when will my website come back online?
We estimate it make take 24 to 48 hours for the website to come back online. This is due to the way that DNS works.
Who is ICANN?
ICANN is responsible for the coordination of the global internet's systems of unique identifiers and, in particular, ensuring its' stable and secure operation. ICANN maintains policies and specifications for registrars and registrant's to abide by.
What is WHOIS?
WHOIS services provide public access to data on registered domain name holders. Registered Name Holders are required to provide accurate and reliable contact details to their Registrar to update WHOIS data for a Registered Name.